My latest creation, thanks to Dana on
It's her Andy Warhol cute. You should definitely give it a try!
I just used a tee shirt I bought at a thrift store for 25 pennies. I don't even really know who the Jonas Brothers are, but I figured whatever little girl wears this probably will.
It should fit up to 12mos.
This is my very first adult sewing project! I was so nervous, but I LOVE IT!
I bought the vintage fabric at a shop on South Street after deciding to brave the world of grown-up clothing.
I found a 99 cent pattern at Joann's and....
Now I'm too school for cool!
Next, is another baby creation. Yea!
What little girl doesn't want a Tinkerbell tutu?
The Tinkerbell tutu part was kind of accidental though. It was supposed to be more a skirt than a tutu. Oh well, still cute and super fun!
Here's the tutorial by Jennifer at A Happy Circus
Tell me you don't want one for yourself?!
It should fit a 20-22 inch waist.
That's all for now, know that I have more thing coming!
Keep Posted!
the rave
Always impressed!