Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hiking, Beach Trip, Belly Pics, Etc.

Busy, busy, busy.....

I won't waste your time explaining or excusing my absence from the blogosphere.  Instead, I'll get straight to the pics taken over the last month.

Miles' 5th Birthday.  He got a birthday crown at school that day.

Team Tommey and a Sunday hike on the Cumberland Trail.

It's hard to remember how small we are compared to creation and the world around us.  This view was a great reminder. 
Oh, and Wendell Berry was with us too.
Another Sunday morning comes / And I resume the standing Sabbath / Of the woods, where the finest blooms / Of time return, and where no path / Is worn but wears its makers out / At last, and disappears in leaves / Of fallen seasons. 

Can you believe this?  It stayed on me for a good 60 seconds or more.  And it kept coming back.  A little odd, but it made for a few good pics.

Identify this butterfly please.

The waterfall and swimming hole that I don't think you're supposed to swim in.

Labor Day Beach Trip - The Digs.

Like father, like daughter.

Team Tommey

Sweet Miles helped us build a sand castle.  Of course his picture had to be taken with the end result.  Feather and all.

Teaching him the art of "War", the card game only.


Sis and Brantly

She's got them wrapped around her finger. 

The Crazy Whaleys.

The Miss and Mrs. Independents. 

Hudson practicing to be the next Naked Cowboy.

Blurry, but sweet.  Just figuring it all out.
Cait's baby shower, last Sunday.

Keep Posted,

the rave

P.S.  A fun snippet for the day - Dustin and I have had this song stuck in our heads and laugh every time we recall some of the lines....Go ahead, humor yourselves.  Hmmm...Amos Moses Wilde Tommey has a nice ring to it!?  Who knows!!

Also, if you didn't watch the ad for "Poo-pourri" or if it wasn't the ad that showed up for this video - please do yourself another favor and watch it.....Hilarious!!!  If you don't think bathroom humor is funny, you won't like it.  But if you do.....you're in for a treat.  This is a real product.  Believe it.


  1. WOW, you all have been super busy. Nothing like packing it in before the baby arrives. It's a good idea:) I have a lot to catch up on your blog it seems..... My blog is somewhat quiet right now. I've been w/o internet for stretches and moving a ton this year so I've barely had time to post much. I need a huge catch up post with all the details...so I don't forget it all, haha!

  2. Oh, and I LOVE the sister pregnancy pictures. It is the craziest and most fun thing to be pregnant at the same time. All both my sisters and I (all three of us) were pregnant at the same time over a year ago. It was really cool.
